Carter thought for a minute, then flashed that famous smile and said, “Now!”
Source: Philip Yancey, Rumours of Another World, Zondervan: Grand Rapids, Mich., 2003, 205-206.
More on Jimmy Carter
Why Not the Best? SFS, 21 May, 2006.
Reviewing 'Palestine Peace not Apartheid', by Jimmy Carter, RBM, 11 April 2007.
Geoff Pound
Image: “After leaving office, Carter and his wife Rosalynn founded the Carter Center in 1982, a nongovernmental, not-for-profit organization that works to advance human rights."
"He has traveled extensively to conduct peace negotiations, observe elections, and advance disease prevention and eradication in developing nations. Carter is a key figure in the Habitat for Humanity project, and also remains particularly vocal on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Wikipedia, September 2010.