Sometimes the decision to do nothing is wise. But you can't make a career of doing nothing.
Freddie Fulcrum weighed everything too carefully.
He would say, "On the one hand . . . but then, on the other," and his arguments weighed out so evenly he never did anything.
When Freddie died, they carved a big zero on his tombstone.
If you decide to fish—fine. Or, if you decide to cut bait—fine. But if you decide to do nothing, you're not going to have fish for dinner.
The secret of true liberty is responsibility. And that calls for decisions. Tough decisions. Lonely decisions. Unpleasant decisions. Misunderstood decisions. Courageous decisions.
Do you have fish for dinner?
Chuck Swindoll, Responsibility, Insight for Living, 5 October 2010.
Geoff Pound